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Warum ist dieser Prospekt aus 1961 so interessant ?

1956 photograph shows Charles P. Ginsburg (left), the man most responsible for the design of the VTR, with Phillip L. Gundy, Ampex Vice President, at the introduction on Ampex television tape recorder at N.A.B. on April 14th of that year. Ginsburg has since received both the Vladimir Zworykin Award and the Valdemar Poulsen Gold Medal in recognition of his work.

Nach der ersten AMPEX VRX 1000 und dem folgenden Boom wurde ja in den Ampex Labors weiter entwickelt. Die NTSC Farbe zeichnet sich als ein Muß ab. Und die Expansion ins Ausland wurde nicht mehr als ein gequältes überhaupt nicht notwendiges Übel angesehen, sondern ernsthaft verfolgt.

Während die allererste AMPEX Maschine für Deutschland fast schon im Werk in Redwood "gestohlen" werden mußte (ist etwas leicht überspitzt !), Siemens baute die auf 220 Volt und 50Hz um, merkten die Ampexer, daß sich da weltweit ein riesiger Markt auftat. Auch zahlten die internationalen Kunden auch jeden Preis, es gab ja nichts Vergleichbares.
Die Japaner waren technologisch und wirtschaftlich noch nicht so weit und die Quadruplex Technik war ja sowieso weltweit für Ampex patentiert.

Auf der letzten Seite sind alle Ampex Modelle zu sehen.

Ein für uns seltenes Bild finden wir auf der letzten Innenseite des Prospektes, die gesamte Ampex Familie von Anfang an bis 1961. Unser Mr. Ampex, Tom Marjanovic, hatte mir das zwar alles mal erzählt, aber es war viel zu viel zum Merken und er wollte es ganz bestimmt aufschreiben. Doch dazu kam er nicht mehr.

Ein seltenes Bild - die Ampex Modelle 1956 bis 1961




1961 - Die Prospekt Cover-Seite
Die VR-1002 komplett
New Mark III video head assembly of the VR-1002 Videotape Television Recorder. New, unitized head construction utilizes four separate, pre-matched recording/playback heads preset to within 0.05 microseconds with respect to quadrature around periphery of "drum" which rotates at 14,400 rpm.



Broadcast practices dictated its design ... advanced Ampex engineering dictated its improved operating capacity.

AMPEX'S unique and ever-growing knowledge of broadcast operational requirements ... and advanced engineering refinements make the VR-1002 a significant advancement over all previous upright models ... to provide simplified operation and maintenance, improved picture quality, and greater dependability than ever before.

In 1956, Ampex introduced the first commercially successful Videotape Television Recorder. Its performance, quality and reliability immediately established it ... and each succeeding Ampex model ... as basic standards of excellence in television tape recording.

Now, on the 5th anniversary of this introduction, Ampex presents an improved, simplified Videotape Television Recorder, the VR-1002, uniting proven, basic features with major innovations and refinements in operating controls and circuitry.

The VR-1002 delivers new quality in the sharpest, brightest picture in television today, with new ease and flexibility in operation and maintenance, and the assurance of even greater reliability.

Like its predecessor, the Ampex VR-1002 takes its place as the new standard of excellence in upright VTR's around the world.

Improved upright design with simplified operating features

Improved upright design with simplified operating features are the most important overall developments in the new VR-1002. It is more efficient and considerably simplified for
set-up, operation and maintenance. This simplification means both initial and operating savings for the owner, without detracting from the operational effectiveness.

One of the major Ampex advancements is the AFC Modulator. Carrier frequency and deviation can be set up for two
standards in less than a minute, without use of external test equipment.

Re-setting and checking of carrier frequency need be done as infrequently as once a week rather than several times a day, because the carrier is continually under automatic control and is monitored by a meter indicating potential drift from proper frequency.

Charles P. Ginsburg

The new design places all meters required for normal operation within the control area, with control knobs placed adjacent to their respective meters.

The unitized design of the new Mark III head permits preselection and precise matching of the individual transducers to minimize geometric picture distortion
and improve performance characteristics.

Unitized construction also maintains high signal-to-noise ratio and noise banding is accurately controlled over the entire gray scale of the TV picture, assuring maximum precision and picture quality in the interchange of TV tapes.

Charles P. Ginsburg

  • The picture on the right:
    Charles P. Ginsburg, Ampex Senior Product Engineer (now 1961 Vice President and manager of Advanced Video Development), with the VR-1002 Videotape Television Recorder. Although it incorporates important electronic refinements, this VTR affords complete interchangeability with all other Ampex television tape recorders in operation throughout the world.



gives today's broadcasters the quality features they want most.

Ampex's unique experience covers more than half a decade of equipping broadcasters, networks and production companies with more than 800 Videotape Television Recorders.

Applying this unparalleled experience and knowledge of operational requirements to the design of the VR-1002, Ampex offers the broadcaster new, refined features best suited to today's needs. This simplification affords the ultimate in convenience, reliability and economy of production and maintenance, as well as improved performance characteristics.

  • Anmerkung : Wie man es auf dem Bild ganz oben sehen kann, gab es 1955/1956 zuerst den allerersten Ampex Video-Recorder mit dem waagrecht eingebauten Laufwerk, direkt von den Ampex Audio-Bandmaschinen übernommen. Danach kam der "upright" recorder und dann später die dritte Variante, der Recorder mit dem schräg eingebauten laufwerk. Das hatte sich von der Bedienung her am sinnvollsten erwiesen, weshalb auch alle Nachbauten von RCA und der deutschen Fernseh GmbH gleich auf dieses schräge Laufwerk gesetzt hatten.


Serving the station with space limitations.

The compact, new VR-1002 upright recorder incorporates its components into 11 1/2 square feet of floor space. Two-cabinet construction allows complete flexibility in placement of electronic racks. New Colortec* (an optional direct color system) becomes an integral part of the monochrome system when installed without need for an additional cabinet. An easily detached shelf provides work area for splicing tape and stacking tape reels. A design-coordinated monitor bridge, available as optional equipment, can be placed on top of the upright model for additional conservation of limited space.

Serving the modest-budget station.

Television broadcast stations not faced with major production requirements will find the simplified design and operation of the new VR-1002 Videotape Television Recorder provide a marked saving without sacrificing Ampex's traditional high quality performance. In addition to the reduced price of the VR-1002 - the advanced version of previous upright television tape recorders - its fewer number of tubes, fewer transistors, and simplified circuits minimize time required for set-up. It also reduces routine operational checking, adjustment and maintenance time to provide lowest possible operating cost-per-hour.

Serving as a companion to the VR-1000C.

The VR-1002, an ideal first recorder, is a practical, compatible companion to any Ampex VTR, where there is a need for two recorders. Performance characteristics are identical to the deluxe console VR-1000C. The VR-1002 and a second Ampex VTR permit mixing live, film, slides or network with tape and re-recording on the second unit - or making tape duplicates for syndication. A second recorder also increases operational flexibility by allowing simultaneous recording and "on-the-air" playback, and when running tapes "back-to-back" reduces possibility of errors and resulting "make-goods."

Serving the mobile needs of a Videotape Cruiser.

Why the VR-1002 is the logical choice for mobile operation:

weight of the transport cabinet (800 lbs.) and the electronics cabinet (650 lbs.) totals approximately 200 lbs. less than the deluxe console ... overall height of cabinets is 5'5", excluding monitor ... all cabinets accessible from front or back ... shake-resistant design ... all major tubes and essential components are clamped.

For the station wishing to utilize their VTR for production in the field as well as for in-studio use, quick connect and disconnect arrangements, 20-inch width, and reduced weight makes the VR-1002 the ideal choice.



Die Bilder können Sie alle vergössern
Die Nummern auf den Bildern korrespondieren mit dem Text
  • 1 Audio Amplifier
  • 2 Tektronix Waveform Monitor Model 527
  • 3 Conrac Picture Monitor. 14-inch model CL 14 (shown). Also available in 17-inch model CMB 17R requiring larger monitor housing.
  • 4 Switcher
  • 5 Monitor Housing. Optional monitoring facility is also available mounted vertically in complementing rack for use adjacent to the upright model.
  • 6 Reel Supply Assembly. 14-inch reel holds up to 96 minutes of recording. Supply and take-up turntable brakes are automatically disengaged through tape-tension arm action during threading or splicing operation, permitting easy tape pull.
  • 7 Tape Tension Arm. Automatic cut-off switch halts tape motion at end of reel, in case of power failure, or tape stack.
  • 8 Video Erase Head. New, high efficiency erase system with 2-inch wide erase head degausses full tape width. Erase electronics, now a part of left hand control panel are simplified, require less power. Warning light indicates activation of erase system.
  • 9 Video Head Assembly. Unitized construction of new Mark III video head assembly permits extensive pre-testing and matching of four transducers to provide higher signal-to-noise ratio, improved picture quality.
  • 10 Vacuum Guide Position Adjustment. Permits a high degree of guide position repeatability. Deviations from standard recording radius are easily adjusted manually, allowing operator to return to the point of standard with high accuracy. This feature and method of adjustment combined with use of alignment tapes will materially reduce the number of non-standard recordings.
  • 11 Control Track Record Reproduce Head
  • 12 Audio Erase Head
  • 13 Audio Record Reproduce Head
  • 14 Tape Timer
  • 15 Left Control Panel. New metering arrangement positions meters in the central control area, adjacent to their associated operating controls. Entire panel tilts forward for fast and complete access to circuitry. Flip-down door on panel provides access to set-up control, fuses, test points.
  • 16 Right Control Panel. All transport controls, record functions, and audio controls are centralized in convenient clusters with layout identical to other VR-1000series recorders.
  • 17 Head Motor Power Amplifier
  • 18 24-volt Power Supply
  • 19 Record Drive Amplifier
  • 20 System Control Unit
  • 21 Fuse Panel
  • 22 Regulated Power Supply
  • 23 Brake Release Pedal. (Not shown) Foot switch to disengage tape reels, permitting tape to pull easily during splicing or threading operation.
  • 24 Power Supply
  • 25 AFC Modulator. Basic function includes built-in zero-center metering of any two pre-set carrier frequency and deviation standards. Operating carrier frequency is continually monitored by the meter which also indicates drift potential. AFC feature eliminates carrier frequency drift and need for constant checking and resetting. Modulator may be set up for two standards in less than one minute without use of external test equipment.
  • 26 Demodulator
  • 27 Head Drum Servo
  • 28 Channel Switcher
  • 29 Pre-Processing Amplifier. Main function of processing the output signal of the Demodulator has been enlarged to serve as stabilizing amplifier, processing the incoming signal in monochrome recording. When in automatic relay switching position, marginal input signals are "cleaned" of noise before recording - particularly useful when recording signals from external sources to studio site.
  • 30 Capstan Servo
  • 31 Capstan Motor Power Amplifier
  • 32 Amtec Colortec Rack Space. Cabling and space are provided for complete integration of Amtec (Ampex Time Element Compensator). With Amtec, sufficient space remains for future integration of other accessories including Colortec, the new, direct color system.



takes its place in a distinguished line of Videotape Recorders.

Behind the VR-1002 stands fifteen years of specialization in the creation and development of magnetic tape recorders for science, industry and the home. Basic to each VTR are design features and operating conveniences pioneered and perfected by Ampex ... alone in its ability to provide operational features to meet the expanding needs of television broadcasters and production companies.

Today the Ampex VTR has attained an unsurpassed level of performance and reliability. Of even greater importance, this is a constant and continuous level of perfection ... delivering the highest standard of picture quality day after day, year after year.

Whether the broadcaster chooses the deluxe console, the VR-1000C Videotape Television Recorder, or the new upright model VR-1002, he is selecting a recorder that has earned its position as an integral and vital component in television broadcasting.


The unsurpassed clarity, sparkle and "snap" of the picture produced by the VR-1002 is reflected in the new overall system performance specifications.

  • Frequency Response: ±1.5db in the range from 20 cycles to 4 megacycles; down no more than 3db at 4.2 megacycles.
  • Transient Response: Not over 10% overshoot on keyed sync pulses of 0.2 microsecond risetime, of amplitude 10 to 90 IRE units.
  • DC Response: Not over 2% tilt with standard window test signal.
  • Signal to Noise Ratio: Performance better than 42db peak-to-peak video to r.m.s. noise.
  • Differential Gain: Not in excess of 10%.


Here are system performance specifications for 625- and 819- line standards recorders. (Specifications listed inside are for the 405- and 525-line standards recorders.)

  • Anmerkung : 525 Linien ist US-Standard, 625 Linien ist in Deutschland und fast ganz Europa der Schwarz-Weiß Standard, 405 und 819 Linien ist England/Frankreich (ebenfalls in Schwarz-Weiß) noch der Standard. Mehr darüber steht hier - und auch noch hier.


  • Frequency Response: ±1%db from 20 cycles per second to 5 Megacycles per second; down no more than 6db at 5.2 Megacycles per second.
  • Transient Response: Not over 15% on a keyed sync pulse of 0.1 microsecond rise time, between 10% and 90% points.
  • DC Response: Not over 2% tilt with window test signal.
  • Signal to Noise Ratio: Performance better than 40 db peak-to-peak signal to r.m.s. noise.
  • Differential Gain: Not in excess of 10%.


AMPEX Service

Complete customer service begins at the time the VR-1002 is purchased. It includes ...

  • Factory or Distributor Training of station personnel who are to operate the VTR.
  • Installation Supervision by Ampex Engineer or Ampex-trained distributor personnel at time of delivery. Resident Engineers located in Canada, Switzerland, Mexico, South America, UK, Germany and Australia, plus distributor service in Japan, provide immediate assistance.
  • Service Engineering Information which provides a flow of video information on a wide variety of subjects.

Ampex International representatives and parts depots are located in principal cities throughout the world. Contact one of the following organizations for more detailed information on Ampex's years-ahead, compact VR-1002.

Ampex Offices

Ampex International S.A. - 1, Rue des Pilettes; Fribourg, Switzerland
Ampex International S.A., Puerto Ricari Branch - Room 311,
Ampex Great Britain Ltd. - Arkwright Road; Reading, Berkshire, England
Ampex of Canada Ltd. - 1458 Kipling Avenue North; Rexdale, Ontario, Canada
Ampex of Australia Pty. Limited - Chown House, 93 York Street, Sydney, Australia
Ampex Export Sales Company - Box 4000; Redwood City, California, U.S.A.

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