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BROADCAST NEWS of April 1961

Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom April 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.



Roger W. Clipp, vice president of "Triangle Stations" and general manager of WFIL-TV is one of industry's strong and active proponents of color telecasting. His faith in color has made WFIL-TV, Philadelphia's first color TV station and one of the country's color pioneers.

A Color Pioneer

Back in 1953 WFIL-TV sponsored an all-day show dedicating their new RCA color facilities and at the same time commemorating Channel 6 as the first in Philadelphia to broadcast color.

One year ago WFIL-TV began colorcasts of its regular film series "World's Best Movies." This marked the first time in broadcasting that color feature films were ever telecast on a weekly schedule.

It also added two full hours to the station's color schedule which now totals 42 weekly shows and approximately 20 hours of color telecasting.

This schedule will be further increased with WFIL-TV's live color telecasting of the New Year's day "Mummers" parade for the fourth consecutive time, and a new 15-minute live farm show. "RFD Six."

Live Color Commercials

WFIL-TV's 20 hours of weekly color are about equally divided between film and live studio pickups.

All color commercials are live. Camera pickups are of actual products arranged in sets in WFIL-TV's color studio. The only exceptions are the live color Schmidts' commercials which are produced on site during telecasts of the New Year's day Mummers' parade.

Value of Color

Asked why they use color, WFIL-TV management gave this consensus: We use color because of its promotional value to the station. We believe color is important to WFIL-TV and to television - because it offers greater opportunities for interest in programming, and because it demonstrates better than monochrome WFIL-TV's experience in telecasting. In commercials it adds appeal, particularly where the color of a product is an important selling feature, as in the Bell telephones and RCA appliances.


FIG. 1. Noted news commentator; Gunnar Back, is seen on WFIL-TV twice each evening, Monday through Friday.

FIG. 2. Pretty and personable Lynne Barrett appears nightly to tell viewers about RCA tv sets and home appliances.

FIG. 3. WFIL-TV's color promotions include lull-page color newspaper ads, national mailing campaigns and transportation company car-cards

FIG. 4. For the iourth straight year WFIL-TV telecast the 1961 New Year's Day "Mummers" parade using a color mobile unit. Commercials were telecast in live color.

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