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BROADCAST NEWS of April 1961

Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom April 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.



In introducing "Fortrel" - a new polyester fiber - to retailers of women's, men's and children's apparel all over the nation, the Celanese Fibers Co. chose "Closed Circuit Color Television" (cctv) to do the job.

The decision made by Celanese was obvious. Closed Circuit TV would get the Fortrel story to the retailers quickly and color would present the new fiber to its dazzling best advantage.

Competitive Market

The synthetic fiber industry is highly competitive. Dozens of these man-made fibers have found their way from the laboratory into the homes and onto the backs of millions of Americans in the last few years.

In its search for a different and highly effective means of introducing yet another new fiber to retailers, Celanese chose Closed Circuit Television - in color - as having what it takes to launch Fortrel.

Nationwide Program

To kick off the Fortrel campaign, big-screen (4 1/2 feet x 6 feet) projection color television (ein ganz früher Beamer) was used for the first time on a commercial scale. In a series of meetings extending from October 24 through November 2, more than 10.000 top personnel of the nation's retail stores in 34 cities viewed the 45-minute Fortrel presentation.

The program gave the retailers complete facts about wrinkle-resistant, easy-care Fortrel, its development and its outstanding characteristics and special consumer advantages.

It also reviewed Celanese plans for advertising and merchandising the new product.

According to Mr. Louis Laun, Celanese marketing vice president, the big-screen color television program served dramatically to highlight fabric colors, patterns and textures for the national retailer audience. After the first showing alone, at least three major stores made commitments for storewide Celanese promotions featuring Fortrel.

NBC's Telesales Division was responsible for color production of the Closed Circuit offering and Theatre Network Television, Inc. arranged the projection facilities.


FIG. 1. Executives of retail stores in 34 cities viewed the Celanese presentation of "Fortrel" via closed-circuit Color TV on large screens.

FIG. 2. Professional production treatment into the taping of Celanese show at NBC.

FIG. 3. Forty-five minute presentation included close-up demonstration of new product's outstanding characteristics.

FIG. 4. Actor-executive. Louis Laun, Vice-President and Director of Marketing for Celanese Corn.. personally participated in presentation of new fabric.

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