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BROADCAST NEWS of April 1961

Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom April 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.


Anmerkung : Auch das hier ist eine ganz normale Presse-Info von NBC und Disneyland

Die wurde hier nur abgedruckt, da NBC für viele Millionen Dollar RCA Equipment gekauft hatte.



Walt Disney and the National Broadcasting Company have concluded an agreement by which the unique genius and artistry of Mr. Disney will be utilized by NBC in a broad area of creativity for color television production and programming.

Under the agreement, Walt Disney will introduce to television a whole new world of color with the programs to be produced for NBC.

Specifically, he will produce and host a weekly series of full-hour programs, all to be broadcast in color; will create a number of special programs in color, and will be active in a variety of special projects to be announced later.

Walt Disney will bring to the new series of full-hour color programs the wizardry which characterizes the Disney production of color motion pictures. These programs will be produced especially for color television and will range over a wide field of subjects and treatments, from true-to-life nature stories to animated cartoons, from tales of adventure to adventures in the world of space. The special programs will reflect a number of spectacular themes and treatments which Mr. Disney has been developing for color television over the past several years.

a breakthrough that I have anticipated for vears

Commenting on the agreement, Walt Disney said: "I look forward to the association with the National Broadcasting Company as a challenging path in our career, opening up, as it does, a new exciting world of color, which we pioneered in the motion picture cartoon field.

"This is a breakthrough that I have anticipated for vears because I feel that color adds an all-important dimension for which we are thoroughly equipped."

"Planning our entrance into this broader field of television, we have had camera crews traveling extensively for many months photographing shows around the globe."

"We hope to weave a magic carpet of color to include people, places, nature, music, dancing, cartoons, the human and the fantastic drama of the universe."

The wings of the living color peacock will soon transport all the breathless wonders oi Walt Disney's color creations into homes across the nation.

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