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BROADCAST NEWS of April 1961

Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom April 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.


Teil 1

On September 19, 1960 WBAP-TV in Ft. Worth-Dallas, literally turned off all black and white cameras and began "to color everything that moves" in its Channel 5 studios.

Local Live Programs

Regular programs such as "High Noon News," the 6 p.m. "News and Weather," "News, Weather and Sports" at 10:15 p.m. and Sunday morning's "Christian Questions," all received the color treatment.

Many new local programs were born in this color boom including:

  • "The New Popeye Color Theater" - a package of 208 Popeye cartoons created especially for television. The 25-minute program is emceed locally by Jack Hicks and is presented Monday through Friday at 5:30 p.m.
  • "Dateline" - a 25-minute colorcast spotlighting fashions, visiting celebrities, filmed happenings in the Ft. Worth-Dallas area and interviews with interesting local residents. The program is seen at 12:30 p.m. and has Lynn Tram-mell (Miss) as regular moderator. Announcers Jack Hicks and Larry Mor-rell alternate as hosts on the weekday show.
  • "City Hall" - features members of the Ft. Worth city council who discuss vital issues of city government. The colorcast is presented each Sunday from 1 to 1:30 p.m.
  • "Abe Martin Show" - is a 30-minute colorcast shown each Sunday during football season at 3 p.m. The TCU football coach comments on Southwest conference teams and has many of his players as guests. The sports show is moderated by WBAP sports director Tom Mullarkey.
  • "Farm Page" - Calvin Pigg, WBAP farm editor presents 30-minutes of area farm events from 7:30 to 8 a.m. each Satur-
  • day morning. The program is mainly devoted to farm features and guests. Programming combines live, color videotape and film.
  • "Premiere Performance" - In October, 1960 WBAP-TV purchased a package of 85 films many of which are in color such as: "The Lady Killers," starring Alec Guinness and "Richard III," starring Laurence Olivier. The films are shown each Sunday night at 10:30.
  • "Sunday Showcase" - seen at 1:30 p.m., is a 90-minute feature film always in color. The films are mainly composed of Twentieth Century Fox musicals.

In addition to the aforementioned roster we carry two color syndicated films, namely: "Judge Roy Bean," and "Danger Is My Business."

Color Burst Day

During 1960, we have also designated many Saturdays as "Colorburst Day," heralding local as well as network color shows.

One of our biggest local spectaculars was 'The Curly Broyles Show," previously seen on Saturday afternoons. The format was Dixieland and featured names like Jack Teagarden, Jo Ann Castle and Johnny Desmond. Due to the addition of new network shows, the Broyles show is no longer seen in this area.

Extensive Promotion

On "Color Day - USA" (November 11, 1960) we had a total of 12 1/2 hours network and local shows. Our tint time was boosted considerably by a 90-minute motion picture on our regular "Family Theater," presented at 4 p.m.

Our color promotion for the year amounted to a deluge of promotion releases; ads in trade magazines; four full page color newspaper ads, plus six color insertions. We also sent many direct mail pieces to dealers, viewers and the press.

Teil 2
WBAP-TV Uses Color Tape In All Program Fields

In October, 1959 WBAP-TV in Ft. Worth installed the first television recorder in the State of Texas.

Its extensive use in every phase of programming has proved so great that another recorder was ordered from RCA and was installed early in 1961.

Another major reason for the need of a second color recorder is that in September, 1960 WBAP-TV began presenting all local programs in color. Since that date a black and white camera has not been turned on in the Channel 5 studio.

Color tape has played a big part in colorful "product displays" from packages to automobiles. In the commercial area, color tape has caught on with many sponsors and has been constantly on the upgrade. During the month of October, 1960 - 17 commercials were taped in color.

Jeden Sonntag im Rathaus - in Farbe

According to Rupert Bogan, chief engineer, many public service programs and interview segments would be impossible without tape facilities. A prime example is the Sunday "City Hall" program, featuring city council and key Ft. Worth employees. This public service show is color taped on Saturday morning at the convenience of the participants.

Visiting celebrities have also been captured on tape to be played back at a later date and three of the Channel's motion picture intros and closes are all on color tape.

One of the most extensive uses of color tape occurred this year in connection with a WBAP-TV promotion contest. During the two-month campaign, a series of color tape promotions were made ranging from 20 to 60 seconds. They were played 283 times!

Public service, religious programs, children's shows and news programs have all fully utilized the convenience of color tape.

At the present time WBAP-TV local shows employing color tape in whole or in part are:

  • "Daily Bible Reading" (sign on and sign off) - 6 minutes per day. All in color tape.
  • "Farm Page" - Saturday (7:30-8 a.m.) - Interview segments are usually color taped.
  • "Books 'n Things" - Public Library. Saturday (8-8:15 a.m.) - All color tape.
  • "Family Theater" - weekday movie. Intro and close on color tape.
  • "City Hall" - Sunday (1-1:30 p.m.) - All color tape.
  • "Abe Martin Show" - Football - Sunday (3-3:30 p.m.) - Color tape intro.
  • "Sunday Showcase" - Movie. Intro and close are taped.
  • "Premier Performance" - Movie. Taped intro and close.
  • "Popeye Color Theater" - Weekdays. Color tape intro.
  • "Dateline" - Weekdays. Fashions, interviews. Interviews are often color taped - sometimes the entire show.

Commenting on the station's "color spread," manager Roy Bacus said: "We want to take full advantage of the contribution which color makes, not only on the information and entertainment side but in displaying and selling the many products that are so beautifully packaged."


FIG. 1. "Popeye Color Theatre" presented weekdays at 5:30 P.M.

FIG. 2. Color staging lor daily weathercasts.

FIG. 3. Local color spectaculars are frequently telecast on Saturdays.

und für Teil 2

FIG. 1. (Left) Roy Bacus. Station Manager, (right) Rupert Bogan, Chief Engineer.

FIG. 2. Number one of two tv tape recorders at WBJCP-TV. Both are color equipped.


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