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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom May 1962 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.


Diese Seite publiziert die Kundenzufriedenheit

Selbstverständlich gehen die RCA Geräte so gut wie nie kaputt. Doch diese Stories werden dann natürlich nicht publiziert.

Beispiel : Im Deutschland der Jahre 2018 bis Anfang von Corona 2020 waren die BMW Autos die zuverlässigsten KFZ aller Zeiten - von allen - aber nur so lange, bis herauskam, daß die neuen BMWs von sich aus bei einem Defekt ungefragt und vollautomatisch die europaweite BMW Hotline anrufen und die Störung melden, bevor der Fahrer überhaupt angehalten hatte. Und es war so organisiert, daß der Ersatzwagen bereits unterwegs war, wenn der Fahrer gerade zum Telefon griff.

Daß die BMWs damit in der Pannenstatistik des ADAC einfach nicht mehr auftauchten, war zwar merkwürdig, doch man nahm es so hin, bis es einer gemerkt hatte. Auch die BMWs sind nur Autos - und so ist es mit den RCA Produkten auch.

Die allerersten RCA- Farb-Videorecorder (ab 1962) und die RCA- Farbkameras (ab 1968) waren bei uns hier und vor allem beim ZDF verrufen wie nur was. Von Lob war da keine Spur. Die Verkäufer von der FESE/BTS und vor allem die Japaner hatten ein leichtes Spiel.



System Flexibility, Dependable Service, Excellent Performance Acclaimed In a Wide Variety of TV Applications

Today (Anfang 1962), more than 100 TS-40 Transistor Video Switching Systems are in use in television studios throughout the industry. The systems themselves take several different forms - some are standard-design switchers available from RCA in four standard packages, others are either partially or completely custom designed.

Whether standard or custom, each installation takes on its own individual character from the way it is used by the station. This article is a roundup of some reports on how tv stations have installed and are using TS-40 Switching Systems. The variety of arrangements shown demonstrates the unique system flexibility of this modern new equipment. Dependable service and excellent quality performance emerge as common operating characteristics. The following pages tell how stations are using the TS-40. Here, in pictures and in the words of the chief engineers, are the reports:

WSOC-TV recommends the TS-40 to any station needing a switching system of high technical performance with excellent possibilities for future expansion. - by L. L. CAUDLE, JR., - Chief Engineer, WSOC-TV, Charlotte, North Carolina

A video switcher dedigned by WSOC-TV

WSOC-TV designed, constructed, and moved into one of the most modern television plants in the Southeast in mid-1959. Early planning included numerous technical conferences with RCA system engineers to be certain that the completed facilities would meet all present requirements and be capable of handling future needs as well.

It was decided to install a new switching system then under development by RCA, the TS-40. This system more than adequately handles the present operating requirements, meets all technical standards required of color and high-quality television picture transmission, and readily adapts itself for future plant enlargement and development.

The basic description

The WSOC-TV plant has a master control room, and two live studios with a separate control room for each studio. For the most flexible operation, separate switching systems were installed for each of these control areas.

The studio TS-40 systems have 12 non-composite inputs, 4 composite inputs and 4 outputs. The control panels for these switchers have two special effects banks, two mixer banks, one preview bank and one line bank. The four composite inputs are on the preview and line banks.

An RCA special effects system, consisting of a TA-2S amplifier, a TG-2S generator and the multiple frequency effects generator, was placed in master control, with remote control panels located in each studio control room. This single system may be switched from one studio control room to the other, as required.

There are two 22-inch consoles in the WSOC-TV master control room operating position. In the first console is a custom-built, pre-set switcher control panel designed to pre-set two complete audio and video events.

This switcher consists of twelve composite inputs and two composite video and audio outputs, with one composite preview output, or third line. Located in the well of this console is a 12-position, audio preview switcher, a remote control panel for sync generators, and genlock controls. The second console contains a custom-built, RCA audio control panel. In the well of this console is a control
panel and mixing controls for a 6-input, non-composite TS-40 switcher.

These TS-40 switching systems are contained in four racks in the master control room, making possible short video cables to the associated patch panels, video distribution amplifiers and other equipment. The four racks also house all mixing amplifiers, power supplies and tally relays associated with the system.

Von der Hilfslösung zum Profi-Switcher

The installation of the TS-40 systems was completed in the fall of 1960. During the interim period from mid-summer of 1959 until the fall of 1960, WSOC-TV operated with three direct video switchers requiring a multitude of video cables running throughout the operations area. The TS-40 systems, with centralized cabling and high technical performance, greatly improved the entire plant operation.

We are very pleased with the over-all performance and reliability of the TS-40 systems, and plan to expand the master control TS-40 switching system to provide switching facilities for video tape recorders.

*1) See page 2. note about Mr. Caudle.

FIG. 1. *L. L. Caudle. Jr.. inspecting cross point groups of TS-40 Switching System.
FIG. 2. Studio One control panel containing two special effects banks, two mixing banks. one preview bank and one line bank.
Special effects selection panel is also incorporated.

KERO-TV achieves beautiful switching action with no transients whatsoever.

by AL CROCKER. Engineering Manager KERO-TV, Bakersfteld, California

The TS-40 is most satisfactory. Cross-points, latch frames, and push button switches have been trouble-free. Switching action is beautiful, dissolves are very smooth and pre-sets glitch-free.
We had the switcher built with future expansion in mind. The effects portion can be added later at very little expense.

The holes are already in the panel for the push buttons and a second set of fader levers for horizontal and vertical wipes. We designed and built our own console housing which is pictured. Another panel has been provided here for installation of a remote stop-start panel for projectors and tape recorders, to the left of the switching panel.

FIG. 3. Station-built console housing incorporates TS-40 with room for expansion.

KSTP's three TS-40's handle every switching need.

by FRED STREET, Director of Engineering Operations KSTP-TW Minneapolis. St. Paul, Minnesota

We have three TS-40 Switchers in use at KSTP. The TS-40 Switcher used for our master control operation in essence includes four complete switchers.

Section 1 is master control switching itself, permitting direct selection by the transmitter operator of either control room or of network film, tape, remote, and so on.

Section 2 is a duplicate of this except it is run by our automation equipment. Sections 3 and 4 are used as switchers for the inputs to the TRT-1B TV tape recorders.

The two other TS-40 switchers are in service in our two production control rooms. One of these switchers is presently equipped with an RCA special effects system; the second one is designed for use with a special effects system, but the generator has not been installed. However, all the cabling is in place and the second special effects system can literally be installed at a moment's notice.

One of the obvious advantages of the TS-40 is that it is a vertical interval switcher. The fact that no physical relay contacts are involved in switching of course means that we never have contact corrosion to give us poor contact. As far as its general operation is concerned, the TS-40 switcher serves every switching requirement at KSTP. It does a good job and does it quickly.

FIG. 4. Control Room Three production switcher. This is a standard TS-40 layout with special effects.

KOOK-TV gets trouble-free switching since TS-40 was installed two years ago.

by GRANT H. FRENCH, Chief Engineer KOOK-TV, Billings, Montana

Our TS-40 handles 12 inputs ... composite or non-composite. It accommodates a preview monitor for each video source. It has been trouble-free since we put it into service two years ago.

The transistor design made it possible for us to disassociate ouselves with many of the problems we found in conventional switchers ... heat problems, contact bounce and so forth. We found the TS-40 convenient and easy to install.

All our video source cables go to the equipment rack located remotely from the control panel. The lap-dissolve amplifier is easy to align, very stable, and we've encountered no cross-talk between busses. We like the ability to add more switching circuits should the need arise.

FIG. 5. Grant H. French at the control position of KOOK-TV's 12-input TS-40 Switcher.

KTBS-TV's TS-40 complement custom control

by CLAUDE SCOTT, Chief Engineer KTBS-TV, Shreveport, Louisiana

Our switcher is mounted in a console of my design. The console is constructed of wood and covered with a marble formica. An adjustable work-book rack and four eight-inch monitors are mounted directly to the back level of the console. A panel to the right of the TS-40 panel accommodates special effects selection, tv tape recorder, film projector, and slide projector remote control. We find this arrangement convenient, it also adds a stylish accent to our control room. The system has required very little maintenance and its performance has been very good.

FIG. 6. KTBS custom console, as designed by the author, accommodates TS-40 controls, special effects selection and remote control of tape recorder and projectors.

WBAP-TV finds excellent performance in handling color programs.

by RUPPERT BOGAN, Chief Engineer WBAP-TV, Fort Worth, Texas

WBAP-TV uses two separate TS-40 systems. One is a 6 by 13 (including the black position). All inputs here are non-
composite. There is one program row, two mixing rows, two effects rows and one combination preview and keying row. The keying row is used in conjunction with a TA-25 effects amplifier which may be keyed by an external source or TG-25 effects generator.

Another TS-40 system is a 4 by 7 switcher including the black position. This is used for composite switching only - network, tapes and remotes.

Our TS-40 is used extensively for color switching and its excellent performance has been greatly appreciated. We have found production advantages in the flexibility of the system in setting-up keying, laps and effects. Our switching system has been in operation for a year and has been practically trouble free.

We were able to install our TS-40 system in the same physical space formerly occupied by a TS-20 switcher. Due to the plug-in arrangement, the TS-20 was taken out and the TS-40 put in its place in a matter of 4 or 5 hours.

FIG. 7. A 6 by 13 and a 4 by 7 switcher are installed at this control location.

KBTV has been able to handle three different programs simultaneously using TS-40 Switching Systems.

by JAMES H. BUTTS, Chief Engineer KBTV, Denver, Colorado

KBTV uses two TS-40 systems with four control panels: two studio control panels, a TSA-1 preset panel and a 6 by 4 master control panel with audio lock.

These systems have been in continuous daily use for over two years with no maintenance beyond the usual amplifier checks and replacement of one crosspoint. By use of the TSA-1 and special projector control system which eliminates the usual multiplexer and projector start and stop controls, KBTV frequently has been able to operate as many as three different programs with a total studio engineering crew of only twelve men.

As an example of this flexibility, each fall we originate several remotes to the network which are blacked out locally; thus necessitating a film show on the air, a five-camera remote to the network, plus television taping of a third program for later playback - all simultaneously.

The TS-40 switcher has been an asset to color operations. KBTV originates approximately three hours per day of film color and our TS-40 has proved to be excellent for color. Through three re-entry
paths the differential gain distortion is not measurable, and the phase distortion is less than 0.5 degrees.

FIG. 8. One of the KBTV TS-40 systems. Top left. TSA-1 Control Panel; top right TG-25 Special Effects Selection; lower right, TS-40 Director's Panel; and lower left. Intercom Control.

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