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Die ausgewählten Artikel stammen aus der RCA Firmen-Zeitung vom Dezember 1961 - Die Einführung beginnt hier.



In the current 1961-62 television season NBC color programming continues to show a marked increase over last season. Not only the total of color hours has increased, but also the number of types of shows.

And the number of sponsors shows a spectacular climb. Moreover, considerable effort has been expended to maintain a good balance in color programming throughout the day. This is important to advertisers and stations, as well as set owners.

Daytime Color I

The daytime color schedule starts out in early morning with "CONTINENTAL CLASSROOM", followed by a series of top-rated shows, Monday through Friday, each headed hy a top personality:

10:30-11:00, with Merv Griffin PRICE IS RIGHT
11:00-11:30, with Bill Cullen IT COULD BE YOU
12:30-12:55, with Bill Leyden CHARGE ACCOUNT
2:00-2:30, with Jan Murray
On Saturday morning, three additional programs are being presented in color:

PIP THE PIPER - 9:30-10:00 SHARI LEWIS - 10:00-10:30 KING LEONARDO - 10:30-11:00

An afternoon addition, which premiered on September 17, is "PATTERNS IN MUSIC". Originating in Chicago from WNBQ, the program is an unusual treatment of big orchestra sounds featuring intriguing and inventive musical effects supplementing the music.

  • Anmerkung : Den Interessenten / Kunden wurde eingeredet, wenn ihr von jetzt an in Farbe fernseht, klingt das große Symphonie-Orchester doppelt so schön. Doch die Realität war - nicht nur in den USA, auch bei uns - grausam, die damaligen Ami-Fernseher mit ihren Farbverschiebungen - hatten genauso schwächliche Audio-Endstufen und vor allem schlimme Breitband-Quäken als Lautsprecher eingebaut, die jedes Orchester akustisch fürchterlich "verstümmelten".


Eine Zusammenfassung


  • Daytime Color
    Daytime color total really paid off for 1961. The number of hours in 1960 totalled 558; in 1961, this figure reached 815 hours. (This is triple the figure in 1959.)
  • Nighttime Color
    Dynamic growth is equally evident in the yearly totals for nighttime. From 476 hours in 1960 to 815 in 1961 - an increase of over 70%.
  • Late evening viewing is represented by JACK PAAR. He continues every weekday night - Monday through Friday.
  • On Sundays, 6 to 6:30, is MEET THE PRESS, TV's foremost press conference.
  • The Cartright family is on Sundays, 9 to 10. (Of course, color is the prime reason Chevrolet selected BONANZA for this time slot. It's consistently the "best-liked" western.)
  • Bill Cullen is seen Monday nights to play THE PRICE IS RIGHT.
  • In his familiar time period - 9 to 10 on Wednesday - is Mr. Relaxation himself, PERRY COMO.


Kennen Sie "Mitch's best-selling album" ?

The whole nation is singing along on Mitch's best-selling album. His NBC television hour broke all records last spring. So Mitch came back in color starting Thursday, September 28, for a full 52 weeks.

The All-American girl, DINAH SHORE, appears on Fridays, 9:30 to 10:30. She alternates with the BELL TELEPHONE HOUR. Big musicals featuring big stars, such as Robert Preston, cover the gamut from classical to cool.

Newest Color Shows

First, BULLWINKLE, a delightful kid's show featuring color cartoons in prime time, Sundays, 7 to 7:30.

DISNEY'S WONDERFUL WORLD OF COLOR, Sundays, 7:30 to 8:30. This is a delightful series, incorporating live actions and cartoons. It's done in color as only that master artist can do it.

At 10 to 11, Sunday, the DuPONT SHOW OF THE WEEK - in color. In the same time period, THEATRE '62 live color dramatizations of David O. Selznick's celebrated all-time hits. (DuPont and Selznick shows account for two color shows per month.)

A new first-rank comedian, BOB NEWHART, started on NBC-TV in color, October 11. He's on 10 to 10:30, Wednesdays.

Bob Newhart is followed at 10:30 by DAVID BRINKLEY'S WEEKLY JOURNAL, the new prime-time news column. It's the first time a regularly scheduled news show is seen in color. Included are on-location color films taken all over the world.

Saturday nights from 9 to 11, NBC presents a series of post-1950 major motion pictures - at least half are big technicolor productions. In the first 15 weeks, through December 30, ten were telecast in color.

One of the newest hits, LARAMIE, is now seen in color on Tuesdays at 7:30 to 8:30. This western provides countless opportunities for magnificent color.

Another hour-long adventure series that has been colorized is WELLS FARGO, seen on Saturdays from 7:30 to 8:30.

Impact of Color Programming

Weekly color hours during prime time were considerably greater during 1961 - an increase of 62%. - In 1960, over 1000 hours of color were programmed. In 1961, there were 1630 hours of the best in color.

A comparison of hours, however, doesn't tell the whole story of quality and audience appeal of these color programs.

Comparison of prime evening time Home-Hours (the audience level of the programs times the number of hours of color) reveals that the latest color schedule delivers twice as many Home-Hours per week.

In terms of weight and balance, this newest color schedule is probably the best yet.


FIG. 1. "Disney's Wonderful World of Color." Sundays. 7:30 p.m.
FIG. 2. One of three new color programs, Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.
FIG. 3. Color news column, Wednesdays at 10:30 p.m.
FIG. 4. Record-breaking TV hour now in color, Thursdays, 10 p.m.
FIG. 6. New children's color show, Sundays, 7 p.m.
FIG. 5. Weekly Nighl-Time Color Schedule.

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